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Pryor Middle School Celebration Day Focuses on Native Traditions

Posted Date: 11/09/2023

Pryor Middle School Celebration Day Focuses on Native Traditions

To respect and honor Native American culture, Pryor Middle School designed its November 3, Celebration Day around activities to observe Native American Heritage Month.  

Mixing, kneading, and rolling the dough for traditional Native American Fry Bread was a popular activity choice for the students, some of whom decided to show their appreciation to staff and teachers by sharing. 

The students learned to make fry bread in order to make one for themselves. But the 6th-grade group got so inspired to make them for the teachers and staff. It was so cool to see them fill up with joy making and delivering treats for others,” said Director Kristen Graves, who helped the students by running the fry station. Kristen Graves Cooks

Also as part of the celebration, students had the chance to play stickball, marbles, and basketball outside and try their hand at archery under the direction of Coach Emerine. 

Inside the building, students could join in Pow Wow dancing or join an arts and crafts group to work with basketweaving, jewelry making, finger weaving, sculpting figurines, and creating corn husk dolls. 

The Celebration was a meaningful way for students to experience Native American culture.

jewelry making archery fry bread making staff eating bread stick ball
weaving weaving fingerweaving basketweaving card games
stickball players girl weaving cornhusk doll jewelry basketweaving